Title IX Policy & Grievance Process

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity operated by a recipient that receives federal financial assistance.

The International Air & Hospitality Academy does not discriminate on the basis of sex, including in admissions and employment, and is committed to providing an educational and workplace environment that is free from sex-based discrimination, harassment, and retaliation and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities, as required by law. IAHA is committed to promoting fairness and equity in all aspects its operations and values and promotes the equal dignity of all community members and is committed to the pursuit of just resolutions with respect the rights of all parties involved. 

IAHA has adopted a detailed Title IX Non-Discrimination Policy & Grievance Process which may be accessed using the links below. The School’s Title IX Coordinator is identified below and may be contacted with questions about this Policy, to file a report or formal complaint, or to otherwise assist individuals in ensuring equal access to the School’s educational programs or activities in compliance with Title IX.

Title IX Coordinator: Christine Galdston
Address: 2901 E. Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661
Tel.: (858) 539-9766
Email: title9@aha.edu
Web: https://aha.edu/complaint

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: DJ Schmidt
Address: 2901 E. Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661
Office.: 360.992.4324
Mobile: 360.473.3649
Email: DJSchmidt@aha.edu
Web: https://aha.edu/complaint

Individuals may also contact the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights with Title IX questions. (Please note that inquiries to OCR alone are not sufficient to allow appropriate responsive action by the School. To ensure your concern is appropriately addressed under this Policy, please file a report with the School’s Title IX Coordinator).

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C.  20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012 
TDD#: (877) 521-2172
Email: OCR@ed.gov

To view the Title IX Policy and Grievance Process please click the button below.

International Air Academy Title IX Policy and Grievance Process

Title IX Training:

Title IX Investigator Training 

Title IX Decision-Maker Training

Title IX Coordinator Training Part 1

Title IX Coordinator Training Part 2

Title IX Coordinator Training Part 3

Financial Aid Specialist

Office of Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs

2901 E Mill Plain Boulevard
Vancouver, WA 98661
Fax #: 866-520-0420

Students’ Account Coordinator, Business Office

(Payments / Refund / Disbursement related questions)
Barb Lipnos